Tuesday, September 19, 2017



In the 1980’s, Dr. Yasuo Hotta, a research professor at the University of California San Diego discovereda special fraction in green barley juice which produces an incredible stimulation in restoring cellular DNA.Dr. Hotta discovered that these phytochemicals found in green barley contribute significantly to thereparation of DNA. In his research, Dr. Hotta stresses that the substance stimulating the DNA repair hasbeen found only in significant amounts in green barley leaves. Research done by agronomists shows theuse of barley dates back as early as 8000 B.C. and has been used by the ancient Greeks, Romans,Chinese, and Egyptians. Green barley juice has since been consumed for its many benefits to humanhealth and amazingly is one of the only resources on Earth that can provide the human body with thenutrients it needs from birth through old age. In today’s world, “eating right” is becoming more and more difficult. It is no surprise that busy new momsfeel it is the best thing they have done for themselves in a long time. When you are pregnant, it is important to flood your body with tons of good nutritious whole foods.Organic Barley Green Juice can play a big role in a healthy diet for moms-to- be and moms! Many nursingwomen who supplement a healthy diet with cereal grasses such as organic barley green juice are likely tofind an increase in their milk production. Naturopath Michael Wohlfeld recommends adding 2 – 4 servingsper day. Breastfeeding is a known way to lose weight, but some moms do feel eager to lose more. Just rememberthat you have to eat for two! Try combining the Organic Barley Green Juice with Purium’s 10-DayTransformation cleanse to get in shape faster but make sure to add 1500-2000 calories by adding extraorganic avocados, bananas, raw nuts, raw cheese, fruits and veggies. Organic Barley Green Juice is not only good for babies in the womb and for their mommies when they arebreastfeeding. Starting babies out early on leafy green drinks helps set them up for a lifetime of goodhabits! For babies 6 months and up, Wohlfeld recommends trying ½ teaspoon with about 3 – 4 ounces ofwater. Just mix them together thoroughly and put it in a sippy cup. You might be surprised to see yourlittle one start to crave it after they get a serving or two! Easy to use and surprisingly palatable, PHP’s Organic Barley Green Juice is grown from select organicseeds at over 5,000 feet elevation in the mineral rich soil of an ancient volcanic lakebed. Our greens are

vacuum dried at low temperatures (below 88F). Our vacuum drying methods mimic a process found innature and require no additives at all. Our greens are completely pure, produced and handled attemperatures that will preserve their active enzymes and other the nutrients found only in living foods.

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