Friday, October 6, 2017


Three-generation family with two small children preparing food.
With the new year in full swing, it’s time to look back on your resolutions and see how far you’ve come. You’ve been improving your overall eating habits, getting a workout in a few times a week, and maybe even started saving up money for a family trip this year. While you may be right on track with your goals, how is your family adapting? Have they tagged along for the health journey or are they still a little unsure? If they aren’t all in quite yet, we have a few tips to help you get them on board… because doing things as a family is always better than doing it alone!
Below are several great articles we already wrote to make it easy for you to introduce this idea to your family. And while you’re there, join Amy Venner-Hamdi’s (co-founder of Purium) mission to getting families eating cleaner and greener through her Million Mom Movement! You will receive emails with a blog and activity sheet for the kids.


School is back in session! Congrats parents, you survived another summer.
However, due to the busy-ness of the school year, the celebrating might be short lived. Early drop-off times, piano lessons, homework, soccer practice and hours of carpool are back in full swing and healthy eating becomes a little trickier.
But let’s face it, a busy schedule isn’t the only reason why it is difficult to ensure daily, proper nutritious habits.
The influence of friends, a child’s budding independence and the “choose your battles” mentality are other factors that lead to parents to give in to processed foods. Don’t forget the manipulative marketing ploys that lure children to specific food brands that are toxic for their bodies (to learn more, watch this Ted X Talk by Anne Lappe on “Marketing Food to Children”).
While it might feel as though the odds are stacked against you in this good fight of whole food nutrition, we’re here to let you know that you have the power to win it.
Here’s what it takes:
  • Research: Do you really know why protein and other nutrients are so important for children (as well as adults)? What about the harmful effects of sugar (and all the hidden sugars that your child might be consuming)? And, are you aware that many behavioral issues have been linked to poor nutrition?
  • Talk to your kids: Children are smart and they crave to know the reason behind an answer. Empower them to be their own advocates by filling their spongy brains with knowledge about the importance of nutrition and the ugly effects of junk food
  • Talk to other parents: You’d be surprised how common this problem is and if you find a group that are committed to keeping their kids’ healthy too, it makes it easier to keep your own child’s health in order.
  • Planning: Meals, just like monthly income, should be allocated ahead of time. Example: “Henry has soccer after school on Tuesday so, I need to bring him a MVP Kids shake when I pick him up from school so he can quickly re-fuel before practice.”
  • Make it taste even better: This blog is full of recipes and suggestions on how to amplify Purium products. Get your kids’ involved and get creative together.
  • Take advantage: All of our kids’ products are on special this month for our PLC Members. Not only do they taste delicious and are a healthy alternative to processed foods, they actually IMPROVE your child’s health.


You’ve decided that it’s time to make a change. You and your family need to start eating healthier, cutting back on the sweets and fast food and reaching for the organic fruits and veggies. You, as the parent, have had time to think about this and mentally prepare yourself but your kids haven’t. How do you get them on board?
Tips for talking about healthy food to your kids
  1. Depending on your child’s age, it will be very different how you approach this topic with them. If they are in the toddler phase then using games is a fun way to start. Ask your child to name healthy foods that are a certain color. If they are 5-10 years old. Then letting them shop and cook with you is a great way to introduce new foods. They will enjoy helping out and see how many different ways fruits and veggies can be used! If they are older, talking to them will be easy. They can understand the importance of nutrients. They may not respond as well to change though. This is when you’ll have to be patient. Older kids who have grown up on certain foods will want to stick to those foods. Let them help you cook and try some of the traditional recipe makeover ideas to make the veggies a little more hidden!
  2. Some kids are very picky and others will eat just about anything. If you have a picky eater, they are likely to not want to try foods that have a funny color or look different than what they’re used to. Our MVP Kids chocolate shake would be a great way to introduce them to something healthy while letting them consume something they love (chocolate!). Easing into a healthy lifestyle is the way to go for those picky eaters.
  3. Explaining how bad junk food is! Most kids (no matter the age) can understand good and bad. By telling your kids the harm eating junk food can do, they will respond better to not wanting it. Same goes for telling them all the good superfoods can do! Younger kids LOVE to hear that eating their vegetables will make them big and strong!

Games to make it fun and easy
Above we mentioned that games could be a fun way to get your kids talking about healthy foods. Have them list healthy foods that start with a letter of the alphabet, that are a certain color, that have a certain nutrient in it, or what is considered good, better, or best.

Example 1: Give the kids a letter. A for apple, B for banana, C for carrots, etc.
Example 2: Give the kids a color. Green for spinach, yellow for lemons, red for radishes, etc.
Example 3: Give kids a nutrient. Vitamin C in oranges, Lycopene in tomatoes, Fiber in blueberries, etc.
Example 4: Give kids a food item and have them tell you if it is in the category of “bad”, “good”, “better”, or “best”.

Easing into the transition
  1. Going “cold turkey” can be very difficult. Ease out of the bad and into the good. Using the “good, better, best” idea (as mentioned in our Traditional Recipe Makeover blog) this shouldn’t be hard for you to choose the right foods or for your kids to enjoy them.
  2. Kids love to participate in the kitchen! Let them help you go grocery shopping for dinner and also let them cook. They will be more likely to try new things if they made it!
  3. Moderation is key. When you’re easing out of sweets, allow your kid a small scoop of coconut milk ice cream with strawberries on top, a small high-quality cookie, etc.
Sweet treats are a part of our culture and we don’t want our kids to feel like they are missing out. Encourage your kids to make a good choice when participating

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