So what are these super hormones? How do they make you skinny? Most importantly though, how can you make them work for you?
The good news is that these hormones are already being produced by your body, all you need to do is to give them a little boost!
With a little help your hormones you will turn your body into an amazing, efficient, fat burning machine!
These 3 fat-melting hormones are, Testosterone, HGH (Human Growth Hormone), and Prostegene.
Testosterone Fat Burning Hormone #1:
Testosterone is responsible for making it possible for men to lose fat and retain muscle more easily than women. The good news is that women’s bodies produce it too, and there are many ways in which we can increase its production. Never fear, that is only a problem if you take synthetic hormones like steroids.
Testosterone Benefits:
- Builds muscle
- Burns fat
- Boosts energy
- Strengthens bones
- Lifts depression
- Increases optimism.
Testosterone Boosters:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Nuts
- Meat
- Eggs
- Fish
- Must eat some fat (even saturated fat) Testosterone relies on the right balance of fat in the diet.
- Watch consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Fat Burning Hormone #2:
Human Growth hormone is a fat burner. Your body usually uses glucose before burning fat, but HGH forces your body to use its fat reserves first! Yippee! This turns you into a fat burning machine even when you are sleeping! It also helps your body make new muscle cells. Usually your body stops growing new muscle cells after your teen years due to inadequate HGH in your body.
HGH Benefits:
- More energy
- Silky Hair
- Youthful glowing skin
- Fat Loss
- Muscle Gains
- Better sleep
- Body repairs itself more quickly
HGH Boosters:
- Cut back on carbs at night. Your body pumps out more HGH when your blood sugar is low. This way you will boost your metabolism while you sleep!
- Eat foods high in B vitamins (Avocados, Beef, Bananas, Tuna, Potatoes, Oats, Brazil Nuts, Legumes, Kefir. ect.)
- Zinc (Chocolate, Peanuts, Oysters, Pumpkins seeds, Sesame seeds, Tahini ect.)
- Proteins
- Go organic
- High intensity exercise triggers HGH release
- Get a good nights sleep (deep sleep is when your body produces HGH)
Progesterone Fat Burning Hormone #3:
Progesterone is useful in shedding fat stores as it facilitates the utilization of stored body fat as energy. When your body produces enough Progesterone it helps you burn an extra 100-300 calories a day! (That’s two of my favorite organic chocolate truffles,…but who’s counting…) When your body does not produce enough of it you overeat. Poor liver function suppresses Progesterone production. Progesterone also helps you to correct estrogen dominance as it does the following:
- Helps use fat for energy
- Natural diuretic
- Normalizes blood sugar levels, thus reducing food cravings
- Is a natural anti-depressant
- Essential for proper thyroid function and thus fat burning
- Delivers more oxygen to the cells
- Helps prevent cancer
- Stimulates bone building
Progesterone Boosters:
- Reduce stress. Stress greatly reduces Progesterone production in the body. (slow down, do yoga, meditate, breath deeply ect. all are beneficial when it comes to stress reduction.)
- Avoid products like soy, tofu and soy milk. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, these foods contain natural plant estrogen. More estrogen in your bloodstream enhances estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance causes fat storage and a slow metabolism.
- Foods containing B vitamins, Zinc and Magnesium boost the body’s ability to produce Progesterone. Eat Yams, Walnuts, Whole Grains, Red Meat, Chicken, Shellfish, Turkey, Turmeric, Thyme and Oregano.
- Drink warm water with the juice of one organic lemon upon rising to boost liver function. Do this before consuming anything else.
- Watch processed foods, high refined carb intake, alcohol, medications (Tylenol, Aspirin ect.) and environmental pollutants (household cleaners, perfumes, air fresheners ect.) as they suppress the liver.
Happy Fat Burning!
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